Hi, I'm Heidi, Your Wellness Coach

From Ex-Basketball Player to Bikini Fitness Athlete, my journey has always been about embracing a vibrant, healthy lifestyle. For nearly 20 years, the gym has been my therapy, and my energy booster, helping me maintain a positive mindset.

Starting as a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach in my early 20s, my perception of health was vastly different from what it is today. Battling my own body image struggles, my understanding of healthy living involved grueling hours at the gym and restrictive meal plans. Looking back, I realize that this wasn't true wellness – it was a cycle of deprivation and binging.

In my late twenties, I ventured into the world of Bikini Fitness competition. While it was an enriching experience, it also rekindled an unhealthy obsession with calorie counting and excessive exercise. Stepping away from this, I found myself on the wonderful journey of motherhood.

Hi, I'm Heidi, Your Wellness Coach

From Ex-Basketball Player to Bikini Fitness Athlete, my journey has always been about embracing a vibrant, healthy lifestyle. For nearly 20 years, the gym has been my therapy, and my energy booster, helping me maintain a positive mindset.

Starting as a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach in my early 20s, my perception of health was vastly different from what it is today. Battling my own body image struggles, my understanding of healthy living involved grueling hours at the gym and restrictive meal plans. Looking back, I realize that this wasn't true wellness – it was a cycle of deprivation and binging.

In my late twenties, I ventured into the world of Bikini Fitness competition. While it was an enriching experience, it also rekindled an unhealthy obsession with calorie counting and excessive exercise. Stepping away from this, I found myself on the wonderful journey of motherhood.

After giving birth to my son, I faced a moment of devastation– weighing nearly 100 kg and battling hormonal imbalances.

Conventional diets and hours at the gym weren't feasible with a newborn.

Fatigue, energy crashes, and the constant allure of snacks became my reality.

But I was determined to find a better way. Through research, testing, and dedication, I discovered the pivotal role of hormone balance in overall wellness.

Balancing hormones became my compass:

  • Prioritizing balanced eating over calorie counting

  • Exercising smart, not just hard

  • Exercising smart, not just hard

  • Embracing mindfulness

  • Nurturing everyday habits

After giving birth to my son, I faced a moment of devastation– weighing nearly 100 kg and battling hormonal imbalances.

Conventional diets and hours at the gym weren't feasible with a newborn.

Fatigue, energy crashes, and the constant allure of snacks became my reality.

But I was determined to find a better way. Through research, testing, and dedication, I discovered the pivotal role of hormone balance in overall wellness.

Balancing hormones became my compass:

  • Prioritizing balanced eating over calorie counting

  • Exercising smart, not just hard

  • Exercising smart, not just hard

  • Embracing mindfulness

  • Nurturing everyday habits

This journey transformed my life:

  • Boosted energy

  • Banished overwhelm

  • Rekindled happiness and joy

I lost all my extra weight and brought my weight to a happy 68kg and more importantly, I have kept it off without a struggle.Understanding hormones and their connection with a healthy gut and our mental state made the emotional roller coaster of motherhood and managing how I feel make sense to me.

Understanding the struggles of motherhood and its impact on wellness, I realized there were countless moms facing similar challenges. The constant struggle of juggling family needs and personal well-being seemed daunting and sometimes unachievable/

..but I knew there had to be a balance, a sustainable way for moms to have it all – health, vitality, and enjoyment.

With this realization, RadiantFit was born.

This journey transformed my life:

  • Boosted energy

  • Banished overwhelm

  • Rekindled happiness and joy

I lost all my extra weight and brought my weight to a happy 68kg and more importantly, I have kept it off without a struggle.Understanding hormones and their connection with a healthy gut and our mental state made the emotional roller coaster of motherhood and managing how I feel make sense to me.

Understanding the struggles of motherhood and its impact on wellness, I realized there were countless moms facing similar challenges. The constant struggle of juggling family needs and personal well-being seemed daunting and sometimes unachievable/

..but I knew there had to be a balance, a sustainable way for moms to have it all – health, vitality, and enjoyment.

With this realization, RadiantFit was born.

My mission: Empower moms to stay fit and healthy while enjoying life to its fullest.

My mission: Empower moms to stay fit and healthy while enjoying life to its fullest.


My joy comes from seeing you shine. I'm not just a coach, but also fellow mom on this journey with you.

I'm committed to:

  • Sharing my struggles, wins, and tips honestly without sugar coating

  • Embracing wellness in all its dimensions

  • Offering simple and effective solutions

  • Fueling your body with goodness

  • Balancing treats and nourishment

  • Keeping workouts efficient and achievable

Wellness for me is so much more than being active and eating healthy, it is about all areas of your life.

Meditations, journaling, spending time with family & friends or reading a good book and having a good nights sleep are also areas of overall wellness and should not be underestimated. Basically anything that makes you feel better inside will also reflect how you feel & look from the outside and how you treat your body every day.


My joy comes from seeing you shine. I'm not just a coach, but also fellow mom on this journey with you.

I'm committed to:

  • Sharing my struggles, wins, and tips honestly without sugar coating

  • Embracing wellness in all its dimensions

  • Offering simple and effective solutions

  • Fueling your body with goodness

  • Balancing treats and nourishment

  • Keeping workouts efficient and achievable

Wellness for me is so much more than being active and eating healthy, it is about

all areas of your life.

Meditations, journaling, spending time with family & friends or reading a good book and having a good nights sleep are also areas of overall wellness and should not be underestimated.

Basically anything that makes you feel better inside will also reflect how you feel & look from the outside and how you treat your body every day.

​Balance is the key to sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle change. My meal plans will include all the goodness that your body needs in a tasty form, but will also

include those well-needed treats.

​Balance is the key to sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle change.

My meal plans will include all the goodness that your body needs in a tasty form, but will also

include those well-needed treats.

I won't make you miss your weekend plans to stay on a meal plan and you don't need to exercise of the weekends if you don't feel like it.

I love to fuel my body with great food, set myself up for productive and present days by meditating and journaling and I am obsessed with the feeling that exercising released endorphins bring to my life.

Happy, confident & energetic, are how I want each woman in my world to feel. Inspiring & empowering moms to be the best version of themselves is my passion, my mission & it is what I love to do the most.

I won't make you miss your weekend plans to stay on a meal plan and you don't need to exercise of the

weekends if you don't feel like it.

I love to fuel my body with great food, set myself up for productive and present days by meditating and journaling and I am obsessed with the feeling that exercising released endorphins bring to my life.

Happy, confident & energetic, are how I want each woman in my world to feel. Inspiring & empowering moms to be the best version of themselves is my passion, my mission & it is what I love to do the most.

Motherhood is crazy ever demanding journey that goes past so quick,

so let's make sure we feel our best to enjoy it.

Motherhood is crazy ever demanding journey that goes past

so quick,so let's make sure we feel our best to enjoy it.