Feel Fit, Healthy and Radiant, despite your busy schedule.

Without crazy diets or hours of exercise.

Feel Fit, Healthy and Radiant, despite your busy schedule.

Without crazy diets or hours of exercise.

Get started with my guide to hormone balance!

Get started with my guide to hormone balance!

The 360° Approach to Wellness: Navigating All Dimensions of Well-being

The 360° Approach to Wellness: Navigating All Dimensions of Well-being

September 29, 20235 min read

“Being a mom is the best reason you'll ever have to take care of you”

Hey there, Radiant Woman!

Welcome back to my blog, where we explore all things wellness, mindset, and motherhood. Today, we're embarking on a comprehensive journey into the various dimensions of well-being. Wellness isn't a one-dimensional concept; it's build from multiple different dimensions, each contributing to our overall health and happiness.

In this post, we'll dive deep into these dimensions, exploring what they mean for moms like you and how you can actively nurture them to achieve a harmonious and balanced state of well-being.

Physical Wellness: The Foundation

Physical wellness lays the foundation for our well-being. It encompasses exercise, nutrition, and sleep. Moms, we often wear many hats, juggling numerous responsibilities. However, taking care of your physical health is paramount.


Regular physical activity, including strength training, regulates hormones like insulin and cortisol. Pair that with a balanced diet, rich in colorful fruits and vegetables, and abundant in protein and healthy fats.

But how does this relate to you as a mom?

Achieving physical wellness not only boosts your energy but also stabilizes your mood, helps you maintain a healthy weight, gives you the strength to carry your toddler and your grocery shopping at one go and gives you energy essential for navigating the demands of motherhood.

Moms, we often wear many hats, juggling numerous responsibilities. However, taking care of your physical health is paramount. Here's how:

  • Exercise: Start small with 10-minute workouts daily. Gradually increase the duration to 20-30 minutes, two to three times a week. Incorporate strength training, which helps regulate hormones like insulin and cortisol.

  • Nutrition: Opt for a balanced diet rich in colorful fruits and vegetables. Ensure you get enough protein from various sources, including vegetables and legumes. Don't shy away from healthy fats – they're crucial for hormone balance.

Mental Wellness: Managing Stress and Cultivating Mindfulness

Mental wellness is intricately connected to hormonal balance. Stress can wreak havoc on your hormones, particularly cortisol and adrenaline. In the whirlwind of motherhood, finding moments of

Mindful Moment

mental clarity becomes crucial. Start small—practice mindfulness, introduce journaling into your routine, or seek support for stress management. A few mindful minutes can make a significant difference.

Here's few things you can try:

  • Mindfulness: Dedicate 5-10 minutes each morning to practice mindfulness. Simply sit quietly, focus on your breath, and let thoughts come and go without judgment.

  • Journaling: Start a journaling routine. Write down what you're grateful for and how you're feeling. This practice cultivates self-awareness and emotional well-being.

Emotional Wellness: Embrace Self-Compassion and Gratitude

Emotional wellness is a cousin to mental wellness, deeply influencing hormonal balance. Positive emotions and reduced stress release feel-good hormones like serotonin and oxytocin. Cultivate self-compassion and gratitude. Allow yourself to be imperfect, and watch your emotional resilience soar.

Overwhelmed mama

Here's what you can try:

  • Self-Compassion: Accept that you're not perfect and embrace self-compassion. Don't beat yourself up when tasks remain unfinished.

  • Gratitude Journaling: Continue your journaling practice by listing things you're grateful for. Reflect on your emotions and provide self-acknowledgment.

  • Positive Affirmations: Write your own powerful affirmation to lift your spirits up, when you really need it.

Social Wellness: Nurturing Relationships

Social wellness revolves around nurturing your relationships with friends and family. In today's fast-paced world, making time for genuine connections is invaluable. Spending quality time with loved ones releases oxytocin, the bonding hormone that reduces stress. Hug your friends, prioritize family time, and cherish these connections and be present on whatever you do, there is no worse thing than not fully be there and do two things but none of them well.

Remember to not forget about quality time with your loved ones:

  • Unplug from distractions and cherish these connections. Hugging friends and loved ones releases oxytocin, reducing stress.

Spiritual Wellness: Finding Purpose and Mindfulness Practices

Spiritual wellness goes beyond religious beliefs; it's about finding meaning and purpose in life. Mindfulness practices, like meditation, are powerful tools for reducing stress and promoting inner peace. Align with your "why" and your personal values. Discover the serenity of nature or simply take moments for quiet reflection.

  • Nature Connection: Spend time in nature. It can provide perspective and a sense of calm.

  • Define Your "Why": Understand your purpose – why you're striving for wellness. Make it a driving force in your life. Journal on it and make sure you are abundantly clear on why you get up every day and do the things you do.

So, why is this relevant to you as a mom?

Achieving hormonal balance through holistic wellness enhances your energy, mood stability, and healthy weight maintenance—crucial for navigating the demands of motherhood. When you're emotionally resilient and clear-headed, you can handle the challenges of parenting with grace.

By nurturing these dimensions of wellness, you're not only benefiting your physical health but also enhancing your emotional, mental, social, and spiritual well-being. Start small, and remember, it's about creating a sustainable wellness plan that suits your unique journey.

RadiantFit Wellness Coach

Now, it might seem like a lot to incorporate into your already busy life, but you don't have to tackle everything simultaneously. Start with one aspect, integrate it into your routine, and gradually add more. Remember, it's about creating a sustainable wellness plan that suits your unique journey.

In future blog posts, we'll delve deeper into each dimension, offering actionable tips and insights to help you thrive as a busy mom. If you found this post valuable, please consider sharing it with your mom friends, who might benefit from these insights.

And if you're ready to elevate your wellness journey, I'm currently looking for two lucky moms to join my 16-week 1:1 Coaching Program, designed to help you find a balance across all dimensions of wellness and making self-care a natural part of your life. Book a free call here.

With Love & Empowerment,

Your Coach

Loved what you read here and want to hear more? Check out my Podcast episode where I dive deeper into the different dimensions of Wellness.


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As a mom of an active little boy and a business owner, I know what is like to be busy all the time and not have much time to take care of myself or even have a moment to myself.

This is why, when I am not running after my little man, I am helping busy and overwhelmed moms to find their wellness routine. I want every women to be able to fall in love with their bodies whilst maintaining a balance between enjoying life and feeling and looking fit.


As a mom of an active little boy and a business owner, I know what is like to be busy all the time and not have much time to take care of myself or even have a moment to myself.

This is why, when I am not running after my little man, I am helping busy and overwhelmed moms to find their wellness routine. I want every women to be able to fall in love with their bodies whilst maintaining a balance between enjoying life and feeling and looking fit.


The personalized coaching program is a

step-by-step program where you’ll be in direct contact with Heidi to hold you accountable and help you re-gain your confidence andlook & feel incredible.


Check out my two signature coaching programs to kick start your way to happy, healthy and fit mom. Expect to learn from nutrition, healthy living and exercise, so that you can implement small habits to your everyday life for years to come.


Community of like-minded women staying fit and healthy together and having fun while doing it. If you love staying fit, can't get to the gym, but still want to look & feel kick ass without leaving the house. I am here to support you every step of the way .


The personalized coaching program is a

step-by-step program where you’ll be in direct contact with Heidi to hold you accountable and help you re-gain your confidence andlook & feel incredible.


Check out my two signature coaching programs to kick start your way to happy, healthy and fit mom. Expect to learn from nutrition, healthy living and exercise, so that you can implement small habits to your everyday life for years to come.


Community of like-minded women staying fit and healthy together and having fun while doing it. If you love staying fit, can't get to the gym, but still want to look & feel kick ass without leaving the house. I am here to support you every step of the way .

What Moms Just Like You Say

It's amazing how the few little changes can make so big difference in your life. I'm amazed. Beside the workouts all the information in small podcasts were so nice and helpful - it was really nice to listen to them. The nutrition plans and information were so helpful in everyday family life. This program is a great opportunity to get to feel better, to be stronger and absolutely to be a Radiant & Fit Mama. This program was a wonderful & made feel so much better and really I'm stronger than in the beginning of the program, such a nice feeling! 🥰✨ I'm really looking forward to the RadiantFit Me program to get all this to the next level. I'm so ready for the next level.

-Moona SoRE, Mom OF 1 Lovely lady

It's amazing how the few little changes can make so big difference in your life. I'm amazed. Beside the workouts all the information in small podcasts were so nice and helpful - it was really nice to listen to them. The nutrition plans and information were so helpful in everyday family life. This program is a great opportunity to get to feel better, to be stronger and absolutely to be a Radiant & Fit Mama. This program was a wonderful & made feel so much better and really I'm stronger than in the beginning of the program, such a nice feeling! 🥰✨ I'm really looking forward to the RadiantFit Me program to get all this to the next level. I'm so ready for the next level.

-Moona SoRE, Mom OF 1 Lovely lady